Dive with a Learning-Goal in Mind
Get to Know your Reef!
This course was originally designed as a suppliment to the Divemaster training course and it is now open to the diving public as well. It's recommended for anyone who wants to know more about the reef they dive on and it's amazing diversity.
The general theme that runs through the course is how dependent each part of the reef is upon the others, and how a healthy reef is made up of many different parts. The course is taught by Mickey Charteris, Roatan photographer and author of the popular reference book "Caribbean Reef Life". Each topic starts with a presentation and discussion, followed by a dive with specific goals, where we look for examples of what we have learned, choosing dive sites that will help bring the themes of the Reef Naturalist Course to life. |
Course Topics can Include:
Nudibranchs and SeaSlugs:
Camouflaged species:
Reef Commensals:
Reef Fish Behavior:
The Reef at Night (Optional Extra Dive):
A whole new cast of characters comes into play on the reef after the sun goes down, from the reef cleaners to the larger nocturnal predators to the bizzare species that make their way up from the depths every night. The corals become more active, many fish hide while many others come out of hiding to begin their time on the reef. A night shore-dive is the perfect way to experience this dark world.
“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer." "A good photograph is knowing where to stand.”: Ansel Adams